WORC IT! Rotunda's week of remote connection 2020

Rotunda Software is a fully remote team, typically connecting via email, chat, and video calls. While we don’t share an office building, we are a close-knit team, thanks in part to our team retreats. We relish the opportunity to work and laugh together, and going on retreats as a team has been a staple at Rotunda for a reason: it brings our company values to fruition! Working and spending time together builds our inter-office relationships and makes us a stronger team. And while 2020 may have put a damper on meeting in person, we still found a way to stay connected and grow together with WORC IT! Rotunda’s Week of Remote Connection.
We started off the week with a Kick-off Happy Hour complete with matching “WORC IT” koozies. Our team could partake in a couple of ongoing activities throughout the week, like contributing to a collaborative music playlist and creating a virtual cookbook with some delectable items (the cookbook has now become a Rotunda staple). One shared recipe that I’m looking forward to trying out: Healthier Monster Cookies!
We also had three “Lunch and Learn” sessions led by team members on any topic of their choosing, ranging from LGBT+ Representation in Children’s Media to Caring for Your Cast Iron. Each session was fun and engaging and proved to be a great way to learn new skills and interests about one another!
Mid-week, we broke into teams for a Rotunda Trivia Game. Questions were specific to Rotunda company history and were difficult for some of the group’s newbies. One personal favorite question was, “How many countries do we have clients in?” (The answer is eight!) We closed out the week with a baby picture challenge where we worked in teams to match the team member with their baby picture, and celebrated one last toast!
WORC IT! was organized internally using Unison.io, the newest communication and organization product by our Rotunda Software team. All of our activities were organized through the program, which allowed everyone to keep track of events, RSVP, and make comments to keep the conversations going. If you’re planning any activities for your small group, sign up to get organized today!